Pre-Season Prep is a Zero-Fluff Training Program for Tennis Players Who Seek Elite Level Athleticism
3 training phases that build off each other
each phase can be shortened or extended depending on your unique schedule (up to 14 weeks of training inside)
the workouts include a variety of explosive training types - sprinting, jumping + plyometrics, max effort med ball throws, strength + ballistic weight training
warm-ups, therapeutic and skill oriented exercises are also included
a 16-page ebook discusses various training principles, methods and outlines the program details - topic examples:
how to organize tennis training around physical development
details + differences between OFF-COURT and ON-COURT conditioning
med ball training - what it is and what it is NOT
why weight training is such a potent training stimulus (including a ‘secret’ weapon to unlock high levels of athleticism)
plus a lot more…
My name is Matt Kuzdub…
I’ve coached tennis players for nearly 2 decades. From juniors to college, from pros to club/recreational players, I’ve seen it all. I also play at an elite-level myself and I’ve been a National Champion.
Over the years, I’ve seen two trends that pervade the tennis world:
During ‘down’ periods in the tennis calendar, players don’t take the necessary steps (and time) to truly improve physical attributes to a high-level. This costs them down the road.
If they DO work on their fitness, it resembles - even mimics - what they’re already doing during tennis practices. Shadow drills, footwork ladders…circus acts. While we can applaud their efforts, these tasks simply WILL NOT enhance athleticism.