Pre-Season Prep - Program + eBook

Pre-Season Prep is a Zero-Fluff Training Program for Tennis Players Who Seek Elite Level Athleticism


  • 3 training phases that build off each other

  • each phase can be shortened or extended depending on your unique schedule (up to 14 weeks of training inside)

  • the workouts include a variety of explosive training types - sprinting, jumping + plyometrics, max effort med ball throws, strength + ballistic weight training

  • warm-ups, therapeutic and skill oriented exercises are also included

  • a 16-page ebook discusses various training principles, methods and outlines the program details - topic examples:

    • how to organize tennis training around physical development

    • details + differences between OFF-COURT and ON-COURT conditioning

    • med ball training - what it is and what it is NOT

    • why weight training is such a potent training stimulus (including a ‘secret’ weapon to unlock high levels of athleticism)

    • plus a lot more…

My name is Matt Kuzdub…

I’ve coached tennis players for nearly 2 decades. From juniors to college, from pros to club/recreational players, I’ve seen it all. I also play at an elite-level myself and I’ve been a National Champion.

Over the years, I’ve seen two trends that pervade the tennis world:

  1. During ‘down’ periods in the tennis calendar, players don’t take the necessary steps (and time) to truly improve physical attributes to a high-level. This costs them down the road.

  2. If they DO work on their fitness, it resembles - even mimics - what they’re already doing during tennis practices. Shadow drills, footwork ladders…circus acts. While we can applaud their efforts, these tasks simply WILL NOT enhance athleticism.

Whether you’re new to the training world or not, you need to hear this.

To enhance some sort of physical quality - whether that’s an increase in strength, improvements in mobility, a faster first step - the training stress must be high.

It should overload your body.

It should be comprised of training items and loads that you’ve never experienced before.

A stimulus like this demands a response.

And that response is an improvement.

A change in how you move, how you develop force and express power.

Pre-Season Prep will do this to you.

I guarantee it.