Weight Training Guidelines

  • It’s important to perform the routine as closely as it is presented. There is a specific progression that needs to be followed (even if at times you think you could do more sessions, add more weight and so on; - various systems of the body need time to adapt to new and continued stressors).

  • The program might include ranges in sets, reps and load (ex: 3-5 sets). This is done on purpose to account for individual differences including fatigue/soreness from previous sessions and/or tennis practices/matches. If you’re feeling fresh, you might go with more sets. If fatigued, perhaps less is more appropriate. Use your best judgement.

  • Loads (intensity) for strength exercises that do not have an associated percentage are based on an RPE scale (Rating of Perceived Exertion). In other words, how hard a certain exercise feels / how close you’re training to failure for the given number of reps. Research has shown that an RPE scale can be just as effective when it comes to prescribing + adjusting loads (compared to a percent-based loading scheme). The RPE system we’ll be using is on a 10-point scale. Below is a chart that outlines what each number represents:


To give you an example of how this works, let’s say that you were prescribed an exercise and you see something like this:

RDL - 3 x 8 (RPE 8)

In this scenario, you would choose a load where you can complete 8 reps without reaching failure AND you’re certain that 2 reps would be left in the tank (i.e. you could have performed 10 reps but no more). 

Here’s one more example:

DB Shoulder Press 3 x 6 (RPE 9)

This would be quite heavy (relatively speaking) and would be near maximal for 6 reps (i.e. you could do 1 more rep for certain, but definitely not 2).

One thing to keep in mind, you don’t have to be perfect here, as long as you’re in the correct ballpark. You’ll notice that initially, you might be off with the loads - don’t sweat it - over time, your ability to adjust loads will improve. If in doubt, always choose lower loads!! 

  • Aim to increase loads over the course of the program, but do so in a gradual manner. You might have slightly larger increases in loads early on, but that may not continue for long. It’s better to have a long-term approach and make smaller / more manageable increases in loads over the course of many weeks.

  • For certain exercises where speed is the focus, we might stick to the same load from week to week, but increase the speed of execution. This is an important neural adaptation we want for increased explosiveness - and is often key during Olympic lifts and ballistic exercises (like DB jump squats).

  • When performing dumbbell exercises, weights should be held firmly (no swinging of the arms). Similarly, for most strength exercises, the trunk should be rigid throughout the movement - i.e. during all contraction types (eccentric, isometric and concentric). Bracing is an important strategy on big lifts like squats + presses. 

  • There are 3 phases of a muscle contraction - eccentric (lowering/down phase), concentric (lifting/upward phase), isometric (muscle contracts but no movement occurs). For nearly every strength exercise, unless otherwise noted, the eccentric phase should be controlled downwards, and the concentric phase should be explosive (even if the load is heavy, the intent to move it should be high). For explosive weight training exercises, both phases will be fast (unless otherwise indicated).

  • Do your best to perform each strength exercise (except if otherwise noted - ex: parallel squat), with full range of motion. It’s better to decrease the weight (especially early on) and try to do FULL DEPTH/RANGE movements as this is a great way to improve functional mobility/joint ROM (range of motion).  

  • Set ranges are for working sets. In other words, you must first perform warm-up sets before beginning to train, especially for heavy strength exercises. An example progression for 4 sets of 6 reps Back Squat where the RPE is 7 might look like this (we’ll typically get higher on RPE as we get through the sets):

    Warm-up (WU) sets:

WU Set 1: 45lb (barbell only) x 5-8 reps x 1 RPE

WU Set 2: 75lb x 3 reps x 3 RPE

WU Set 3: 95lb x 3 reps x 5 RPE

Working sets:

Set 1: 100lb x 6 reps x 6 RPE

Set 2: 115lb x 6 reps x 6.5 RPE

Set 3: 125lb x 6 reps x 7 RPE

Set 4: 135lb x 6 reps x 7.5 RPE


  • If higher loads are being used, adding an additional warm-up set is highly advised. If weights are relatively light (usually during 8-12 rep schemes), 1 or NO warm-up sets are possible.

Sprint, Plyos and MB Training Guidelines

  • For all sprinting, jumping and (some) med ball exercises, these are to be done at max or near max effort/intensity. In some cases, med ball throws are done submaximally to work on general physical preparedness, timing, rhythm and coordination - read the program carefully to see what the perceived percentages are and watch videos to know more. Also - stick to the work:rest guidelines - this is critical for these adaptations to take shape.

  • For sprinting, every prescribed rep is done at 100% max effort (i.e. sprint as fast as you can for the prescribed distance) - unless otherwise note. Having said that, make sure to warm-up to this level with submaximal runs / sprints (similar to weight training). Typically, we perform what are called ‘build-up’ runs over a 20-30m distance, starting at about 50-60% of max running speed. Usually, 4-5 of these are performed with the last rep being near max (about 90%). Then you begin with SET 1.

  • For plyos (plyometrics) - we use a light, medium, ping and deep tier classification system. 

    1. Light - low intensity but still springy/bouncy.

    2. Medium - moderate intensity with good spring/bounce (limit time on ground).

    3. Ping - highest intensity with very little time on ground + very reactive (all out bounciness!).

    4. Deep - large ranges of motion + longer time on ground + more muscular. 

  • Watch the plyometric exercises carefully and note the intensity level. It doesn’t matter what the actual output is, as long as it corresponds to what feels right for you!

  • Also, follow the following guidelines for optimal plyometric executions:

    1. Full foot contact (no toe jumps!) for all plyos.

    2. Dorsiflexion when airborne (toes towards the shins...BUT NOT LEGS, just the toes).

    3. Upright postures throughout. 

    4. Similar to med ball throws, change-of-direction drills and sprints, jumps are MASTERY DRIVEN. That means that while yes, we want to increase power, intensity, speed and so on, movement quality + outputs are of the highest order (and the aim is to get better with each exposure). 

  • Follow rest intervals that are prescribed in your program for optimal outputs.

  • MB throws are also performed at max intensities / efforts (unless otherwise noted). They are typically done after sprints and plyos - this means that we’re already quite primed from a neural standpoint (i.e. warm-up sets are typically not required unless you desire to do so).

Additional Recommendations:

  • Tennis practices should be done before physical sessions most of the time. The only exceptions would be:

    1. If logistical constraints don’t allow this to be possible (sometimes we just have to do the best we can).

    2. When a particular training quality can be done on court - like sprints, plyometrics and med ball throws. These activities are very power-oriented and are best done when fresh.

    3. Do your weights after tennis (or later in the day) if you’re doing both on the same day.

  • As often as possible, combine high-intensity physical days with high-intensity tennis days. For example, if a physical session is highly neural and includes a mix of sprints, plyometrics and heavier weights (i.e. jumps, squats, presses etc.), then try to combine that with a heavy tennis session - either very explosive/movement focused or serve/return focused or a combination of those types of areas. Likewise, if physical sessions are lighter (general strength + med ball etc), combine those with lighter on-court days as well (i.e. limited movement, shorter duration, timing/feel focused etc.). 

  • Lastly, the success of this program (and any program for that matter) adheres to the following:

    1. Consistency - those that adhere with the greatest consistency, will see the best results.

    2. Following ONLY this program - those that try to perform other programs concurrently won’t get the most out of either program (and may overtrain/risk injury in the process). 

    3. Tracking - track all your exercises + tests as much as possible and make small progressions from week to week (even as little as 2.5 lbs or a little extra speed or a little better technique on an exercise, for example, adds up to A LOT over weeks and months).

I am at your disposal if you need any clarifications. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Let’s get after it!